February 5, 2025

Armani Milby, the daughter of Chelsey from Kentucky,is an exceptional infant who entered the world with a distinctive condition leading to the swelling of her arms and chest, resembling the physique of a bodybuilder.

Following a challenging initial three-month period that demanded specialized medical attention, Armani’s outlook is now more positive, with additional treatments on the horizon.

Chelsey recounts the arduous journey they’ve faced since Armani’s birth but maintains a hopeful stance regarding their recovery. The anomaly was identified at 17 weeks into Chelsey’s pregnancy, as doctors diagnosed a severe case of lymphangioma, an uncommon condition resulting in benign tumors in the lymphatic system, causing considerable swelling in Armani’s upper body.

Despite the grim “zero percent” survival rate initially given by doctors, Armani defied expectations, entering the world at 33 weeks through a cesarean section, weighing 12 pounds. Chelsey’s pregnancy was so prominent that onlookers speculated she might be expecting triplets.
The diagnosis left Chelsey, a mother of two healthy children, in a state of shock and despair, as she grappled with an unfamiliar condition and apprehensions about the outcomes she researched.

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