March 13, 2025

Think about planning a vacation with your in-laws to have fun and relax. Instead, you face problems you didn’t expect because of your social status and cultural norms. The expectations of her family and the pressures of society are making this young woman make hard choices.

“A few weeks ago, my in-laws and I went on a family trip.” The fact that my family isn’t as wealthy as hers makes my mother-in-law think I’m not very cultured or polite. There’s no reason for her to think I’m rude because we come from different backgrounds.

The family didn’t want me to join their plans at first, but my husband really pushed for it and almost begged them to invite me. It’s not just me; the girlfriend of my brother-in-law wasn’t there either.

“They planned to go to this fancy restaurant for dinner when we got to the hotel.” My husband told me about it after he was already dressed, which was too late. He told me that he and his family were going to eat, but I wasn’t invited, when I asked him what he was doing.

His reason? Since I wouldn’t know what to eat or how to act at such a fancy place, his mom thought it would be best for me to stay at the hotel for dinner. I didn’t fight with him; I just let him go, packed my bags, and took the first flight home.

“When I left, my husband went crazy and called me a lot.” Even though he begged me to go on the trip, he said I was being unreasonable and not thankful. He even said I was making him look bad in front of his family. It was weird that he wouldn’t even talk to me when he got home. It got even worse when his family indirectly criticized me on Facebook for leaving.

Users agreed with the woman that she did the right thing, even though she asked herself if she reacted too strongly.

Even though his family isn’t nice, he didn’t stand up for you when his mother said horrible things about you. He agrees with his mom that you don’t belong there. Get out of there quickly and find someone who cares about you. Saxophone / Reddit ****

This is not something my in-laws would do, and my husband would have said, “Well, I’m not going if she’s not invited,” because that’s what husbands do. Not hide like a kid who knows they’re doing something wrong. ThatWitchyWay on Reddit

It sounds like your husband is giving you trouble. Did he agree that you shouldn’t be going to dinner with them? That is very disrespectful and rude. He didn’t stand up for you. He could have turned down the dinner invite and instead gone on a date with you.

You both need to go to counseling to learn how to talk to each other and set limits if you want this relationship to last. He needs to get tougher to deal with his mother too. By Ok_Nobody4967 on Reddit

I would think twice about getting married to this person and make sure I don’t get pregnant. No parent wants their child to be treated so badly. The mortgage_gurl on Reddit

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