A mother-daughter relationship can occasionally be tumultuous, marked by miscommunication, guilt, and even scandals. Today’s heroine experienced something similar; her mother found it difficult to believe that her daughter had chosen to hide her pregnancy from the world. The woman had a good explanation for why she did it, but she never imagined that her mother would become so upset as to curse her, her family, and her home. The woman’s life has since taken a turn for the worse, and as a result of her mother’s actions, she is currently unable to reconcile with her.
In a letter to us, a woman shared her story that had caused her a great deal of distress.
A 35-year-old woman named Christina has sent a letter. “I’m four months pregnant with my and my husband’s first kids,” she said as she opened it. We now know we are expecting twins. We were both giddy with anticipation. Given the high-risk nature of the pregnancy, we decided against making a public announcement and instead to wait to share the news until we were certain that neither I nor our children were in danger.
Christina went on to say that she did make a special announcement to her husband about her pregnancy. The woman gave an explanation, saying, “I made a small gift box to give to my husband and surprise him with the news when I found out I was pregnant.” A mug that read “World’s Best Father” and a baby book with all of the infant’s initial developmental milestones were among the ridiculous little items in that box. Since I was still unaware that I was expecting twins, the gift box contained just one pair of each item. My wonderful idea was to tell my husband we were expecting when he got home from work and give him the box. Everything went perfectly, and my husband was overjoyed. It was an exciting moment for both of us, as we had been trying for some time.
When Christina’s mother learned that her daughter was expecting, she acted in an absurd manner.
“The next day, my mom was visiting us and she went into my husband’s home office saying she needed to use the bathroom. It all happened while I was making lunch,” Christina continues her story. She ran out of the office like a bat, telling me that my spouse was having an affair because he had a “secret dad box,” after seeing the gift box and everything inside. I explained to her eventually that I had made the box because my husband and I were expecting, even though at first I was really confused. The news thrilled my mother, who called her best friend right away to share it with her. I asked her to keep the news to herself and to hold off on telling anyone until I was at least four months pregnant.
Christina went on, “Everyone in the community knew right away because my mom told everyone and asked them to “keep the secret.” I was going crazy because it was all like middle school! I said nothing to her when she persisted in asking me for details from doctor’s appointments. She insisted that she had to know everything since she was the “baby’s grandma,” even though I kept the fact that we were expecting twins and that the pregnancy was dangerous a secret from her. She also requested to be in the room with me instead of my spouse when I give birth, but I turned her down right away.
Christina made an attempt to speak with her mother, but this simply made matters worse for her.
“My spouse and I decided to meet my mom and talk to her about everything at once,” Christina wrote. She was thrilled to see us when we first met her at a nearby cafe. She must have believed that this was a meeting where she could voice her desires in full. However, we began our speech, which she found extremely offensive.
The woman clarified, saying, “We feel like she robbed us of the opportunity to announce the pregnancy ourselves, but we told her that we love her and are really glad that she’s excited to be a granny.” We clarified that her snooping in my husband’s office and her baseless charges of infidelity were over the line.
The woman told her mother that she had put herself and the babies through immediate stress as a result of her actions. However, her mother was irrational, had no empathy, and had left in a foul mood.
One day, Christina’s mother crossed the line.
“My husband and I arrived home one day to find a note taped to the front door,” Christina wrote. It was from my mom, and in it, she claimed to have cursed our home and marriage, and she threatened to remove it only if we granted her the right to become a grandmother.
The woman continues, “I don’t believe in this kind of stuff, but after we found this note, I did a thorough search of the house and found some herbs and hair under my bed and my husband’s bed.” We forgot about this stuff after I threw it away.
But after that day, things started to go wrong. Christina acknowledged, “I was devastated to learn that I lost one of my babies a few weeks ago.” My placenta ruptured, but I delayed visiting the hospital. I didn’t visit the hospital until I started experiencing pain, but by then it was too late. My mother, on our front lawn, suffered a heart attack approximately a week ago. She came to our house pleading with us to forgive her since the cursing incident. However, she made no mention of any incident and never expressed regret. Simply put, she would scream that she had been “a bad mom.”
“The night of her heart attack, my mom was unconscious on the lawn when my husband and I returned home,” the woman wrote as she concluded her letter. I called the emergency right away, and as soon as they got there, they confirmed that she was dead. Since I still loved my mother in spite of everything, it has been a very difficult time for me. To honor her memory, I now want to name my surviving child after her, but I will never be able to forgive her for what she did to us.
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