Victor Fiorillo’s night out for a drink led him to the Old Philadelphia Bar in the City of Brotherly Love. Despite being momentarily taken aback by the sign etched on the window, he decided to go inside and enjoy a beer and some good company. Inside, he witnessed a heartwarming moment when a patron, declaring himself a former firefighter and jokingly adding that he was Mexican, chose the song “God Bless the USA” on the jukebox.
As the familiar chorus filled the bar, every patron joined in singing along, embodying the patriotic spirit of the song. The lyrics resonated with the values the bar stood by, as evident from the sign prominently displayed on the front of the building: “If you’re not proud to be an American, do not bother to come in.”
This anecdote illustrates how music can unite people and evoke a sense of patriotism, bringing together individuals from diverse backgrounds under the banner of love for their country.