Ever since former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick took a knee to protest police brutality, his movement has spread like wildfire. Supporters of his cause have joined him in kneeling during the national anthem to raise awareness around the issue.
However, those who feel patriotic about the flag and take pride in the United States military are not happy about this form of protest, as they see it as an insult to America.
The football team from Monroe High School decided to take part in Kaepernick’s protest. Many players kneeled during the playing of the national anthem before the game. However, two referees, 54-year-old Ernie Lunardelli and 27-year-old Anthony Lunardelli, were unwilling to watch the high schoolers protest in this way. They walked off the field and quit, feeling they needed to take a stand against what they perceived as disrespect to America.
Ernie expressed his outrage at the teens’ actions, stating, “I’m not in favor of anyone disrespecting our country, our flag, the armed forces.” He had warned the league’s commissions that he would quit if players knelt during a game he officiated. When the students knelt, Ernie and his son walked off the field as promised.
Ernie believes the game should not count due to the replacement of referees with untrained personnel. He has enlisted the help of a lawyer to contest the game’s validity, determined not to be driven out of town.