I never thought a photo of a woman would make me feel sick

Australian Politician Blasts News Station for Manipulating Her Image to Make Her Breasts Bigger and Her Outfit Skimpier
Georgie Purcell, a member of Victoria’s state parliament, has recently found herself at the center of a controversy after an Australian news channel doctored an image of her, enlarging her breasts and exposing her midriff. The altered image was used in a Nine News bulletin after she had criticized the Victorian government’s rejection of a duck hunting ban.

Georgie Purcell Fights Back Against Sexist Image Altering
Georgie Purcell is a member of the Victorian Legislative Assembly for the seat of Bendigo West. She was elected in 2022 and is currently serving her first term in parliament. Purcell has been an outspoken advocate for animal rights and environmental issues, particularly those related to duck hunting. At just 31-years-old, she is the youngest woman in the state of Victoria’s parliament. Ever since her election, she has been on the receiving end of an incredibly sexist discourse.

The tattooed former stripper says that this newly altered image of her has restarted this conversation. Ms. Purcell promptly took to social media, sharing both the original and altered images and highlighting the manipulation of her outfit.

“I endured a lot yesterday,” wrote the young MP on Twitter. “Having my body and outfit photoshopped by a media outlet was not on my bingo card. Note the enlarged boobs and outfit to be made more revealing. Can’t imagine this happening to a male MP. What gives?”

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