Thirty million American households look after adults over fifty in some capacity.
I currently look after my parent with the assistance of two other family members, just like many of you do. It’s likely that you will if you haven’t already in the near future.
Is it stressful for you? Is it preferable to placing them in a care facility? The evidence points to yes. It makes sense that not everyone is able to satisfy their parents to the fullest extent possible. Unfortunately, in other situations, some kids will decide right away to go to a nursing home.
Nursing Home and Senior Statistics
Over 40% of residents have reported abuse and more than 90% of them reported incidents of neglect.
A 2010 study showed that up to half of all nursing home caregivers admitted to elderly abuse and neglect.
Of all Certified Nursing Assistant’s, half admit to having verbally abused, yelled at, and used foul language with senior residents.