February 12, 2025
Woman taking care of old woman lying in bed

Woman taking care of old woman lying in bed

Family secrets can cause deep harm and change lives forever. When lies about serious illness are involved, the damage to trust is even greater. One person shared his story of growing up believing his mother had a severe illness, only to discover it was all a lie. Read about his shocking experience and how it affected his family:

“Growing up me, my brother and my father all believed my mom had a brain tumour. She told us she had a brain tumour and as well and this is where it’s even more fucked up. My mom would get my dad to drive her to a major hospital many towns over and she told us she was going for what she called “a drainage” on her head because she has a brain tumour. My dad ever few months would take me and my brother out of school for the day and we would drive 2 hours to this major hospital and then me and my dad and brother would go explore the city it was in for a few hours while my mom went for her procedure. And after we would come pick her up and she would be physically shaking very severely and say she’s in pain and feeling sick and tired after the procedure. And it always would saddened and scare me and my brother.

Sometimes we would even cry in the back seat coming home from the hospital because of her seeming so sick after. She would also often have seizures, and as well she told us she couldn’t hit the right side of her head in anyways because she could die. To the point that growing up playing baseball I would be scared to practice throwing with her because I was so scared she would get her head hit with the ball and she would die. As well when she had seizures I was constantly so scared she would fall and hit that side of her head and die. She said she had seizures because of the brain tumour. So then I found out when I was 25 that my mom had lied all those years.

She never had a brain tumour.

Which I was so confused about because of all those years when we would drive 2 hours to the speaciized hospital and I would see her leave the hospital so sick and shaking uncontrollably. So I asked my mom, like why did that happen. She confessed that she faked it all and lied about it all. She lied about it so that she could get pain killers and take them and my dad not question it. But it turns out she was just buying painkillers. And she was having seizures because she was over dosing on Demerol. I was twenty five till I learnt this. I had always believed that my mom got into harder drugs because of her brain tumour, I had told so many people about my moms brain tumour and how that started her to use painkillers which led to cocain, then crack then heroin.

She confessed this because apperently she had a seizure in public, and none of my family was around so some one phoned a ambulance and she was taken to the local hospital and my dad was phoned to come pick her up. And when my dad picked her up he was concerned so he asked the drs some question and my dad mentioned the brain tumour and the dr said she didn’t have one. And my dad was like what the hell are you talking about of course she does. Lol weeeeellllll no, no she does not. So fucked up, seriously 4 years later and it still blows my mind she faked this for so many years and commited to it so deeply. She honestly deserves a Emmy.”

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