March 9, 2025

Unexpected words or actions, or discoveries that come as a surprise, can completely change the course of our lives. To get past them, you need to keep your cool and keep going. Over time, we may think back on these events and feel compelled to share our stories, just like the people this article talks about.

“A girl in high school asked me to go to the dance with her.” When I tried to tell her no, she kissed me on the lips in front of everyone. We did go to that dance. TheDude on Reddit

“When I was three or four years old, I showed signs of having a mild form of autism.” They let it go because they didn’t think it was a big deal since it wasn’t stopping me from learning or doing anything other kids my age would do. Later, I had some tests done because I was getting weirded out by how many signs I was showing. To be sure, I took the tests, and the results were positive, but there was one small catch. It seems I had gotten so used to hiding my autism because I had never been tested for it that it went away for years and only came back when my parents got divorced at the end of 2019. On Reddit, Geeky_higness

When my older sister called me one day, I was really happy when I picked up the phone. I remember asking her, “Heyyy, what’s up?:D:D,” but she didn’t answer right away. What she said next was, “Kimberly died.” She was my 15-year-old niece; I was 16 at the time. Of course, I didn’t expect this, and I felt stupid for being so happy when the phone rang. By danileigh on Reddit

This person called me and said they were my brother two years ago. I learned that I was born through a donor and have a lot of half-siblings. We’ve become close friends and family, and we even know the donor. MyNickName on Reddit

“At first I thought I was the fourth child, but it turns out I’m the fifth… Before me, my dad had a child. APPOLO on Reddit

“We got our male cat a friend because he was lonely.” We bought a male kitten and named him Gunnar because he wasn’t neutered. After a few months, Gunnar was expecting kittens. By BabaShrikand on Reddit

“For two years, I worked and saved money to go to college. I got accepted, found a place to live, and chose my classes.” But a week before school started, my “father,” who makes over $800,000 a year, wouldn’t cosign on my student loans because he didn’t want it to hurt his credit. The reddit user tannerdanger

“My boyfriend broke up with me.” He emailed me while I was on vacation with my family to say that he no longer felt a spark and didn’t want to be in a relationship. We had been together for six years. One of the biggest surprises was that he helped me. I didn’t know how unhappy I was in that relationship until I met someone who makes me feel like a princess all the time. Plus-186 on Reddit

“All of a sudden, my grandmother, who seemed to be in good health, had a stroke that left her unable to speak or move on her right side.” She had a hard time for two months and died two weeks ago. I wouldn’t have believed you if you told me last year that my grandmother was going to die so soon. “Nadit9” on Reddit

“There was a girl I liked, but she was seeing someone else.” For several painful months, she was seeing someone else until someone told me she had broken up with him. I thought she was gone for good, so I don’t know why this happened. It turned out she was always in love with me. She told me that she was sorry she made me feel bad and that it was the worst mistake of her life. Now I’m really confused about how I feel.” Do not phunk with my heart / Reddit

Used to hate gym class and sports, and I was overweight as a child and teen. I’m still plus-size even though I’m in my late 20s, but I love hot power yoga. I really love it so much that I took 200 hours to become a yoga teacher. “I didn’t think I’d be so fit.” Author not known / Reddit

“A guy once told me I could kiss him, and I did.” I gave him a kiss. It was wonderful. But then we just naturally went our separate ways. After three days, this man calls me and is shocked. He wants to know if I was interested in him. A friend of his had told them about the conversation, and they had to bring it up.
Please forgive me; I kissed you.” moonteamagic on Reddit

Life has twists and turns that you can’t plan for. Some surprises make us happy, while others are very bad. The stories in this article are about people who were shocked by the truth and had to deal with the results they didn’t expect.

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