f we were millionaires, we can all probably think of things we would buy with our money, such fancy houses and cars. However, one millionaire made the extremely altruistic decision to use his wealth to save hundreds of dogs’ lives.
Wang Yan made millions of dollars in Changchun, China, by operating a steel company. But his cherished dog, who vanished out of the blue years ago, was something that no amount of money could ever buy.
Someone recommended a gloomy last location to look after looking everywhere for the dog: the slaughterhouse.
There are a lot of stray dogs in the city, and many of them have been taken in, killed, and sold in the horrific dog meat trade.
adly, Wang Yan was unable to locate his own dog in this awful location. however his life was altered by what he witnessed there.He realized he had to take action, and he somehow discovered a method to assist the dogs by purchasing the slaughterhouse. and turned it into a sanctuary for dogs!
Metro claims that he has poured a significant portion of his wealth into the initiative. He paid $400,000 for the slaughterhouse, and he personally finances the shelter, even if it puts him in debt.
Yan told Metro, “I just hope that kind-hearted people will be able to donate a few supplies to help. I don’t accept monetary donations.”
However, Yan’s sacrifices have paid off handsomely: as of 2015, he had taken in 2,000 canines from the city and assisted 200 of them in finding homes.
While it’s always admirable to see people go above and beyond to assist animals, it’s really amazing that this man would sacrifice so much of his personal wealth to keep these dogs alive. Tell others about this motivational tale!