February 13, 2025

Ever since former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick took a knee to protest police brutality, his act has spread like wildfire. Supporters of his cause have joined him, kneeling during the national anthem to raise awareness around the issue. However, those who feel patriotic about the flag and pride in the United States military are unhappy with this form of protest, feeling it disrespects America.

The football team from Monroe High School decided to engage in Kaepernick’s form of protest. Many of the players took a knee during the national anthem before a game. The act prompted the game’s two referees, 54-year-old Ernie Lunardelli and 27-year-old Anthony Lunardelli, to leave the field in protest. They felt they could not stand by and watch the players “disrespect America” in such a manner.

Ernie Lunardelli expressed his outrage, telling NJ.com, “I’m not in favor of anyone disrespecting our country, our flag, the armed forces. What they’re doing has nothing to do with the national anthem, and I’m against it, so I decided to walk off the field for them kneeling, and that’s what I did.”

He further elaborated on his stance, emphasizing that while he recognizes everyone’s right to protest, he doesn’t understand why it needs to happen during the national anthem, a time he believes should be reserved for football. “Whoever is disrespecting that flag and the national anthem, that’s who I have a problem with. It’s not the way I was brought up, and it pisses me off that people are doing that.”

Ernie had suspected the high school football players might kneel and had previously warned league commissions that he would quit if any players knelt during a game he officiated. True to his word, when the students took a knee, he and his son walked off the field.

After the Lunardellis exited, they were replaced by two cadets from the chain crew. Ernie questioned the legitimacy of the game following their departure, stating, “That game should not count now because they did not have the right personnel on the field. These kids weren’t officially carded and trained, so they’re putting the kids in jeopardy. I’m not.”

Ernie is prepared to defend his actions, mentioning, “I have a lawyer already set up because they’re not going to run me out of town.”

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